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Essential Photoshop for Landscape Photography
What is so great about Photoshop (7:44)
Welcome To Essential Photoshop for landscape photography (2:14)
practice files
Getting up and running
Ch 2 - Tools you need to know (16:01)
Ch 3 - Opening, Saving, and Roundtripping (8:21)
Working with Layers
Ch 4 - Adjustment layers (17:06)
Ch 5 - Working with Pixel Layers (14:54)
Working with Selections
Ch 6 - Working with Selections (26:02)
Ch 7 - Color and Luminosity selections (5:55)
Important Techniques
Ch 8 - Dodging and Burning (17:59)
Ch 9 - Retouching and Cleanup (9:46)
Ch 10 - Hotkeys and Shortcuts (7:40)
Ch 11 - Local Contrast and Exposure (17:54)
Ch 12 - Blending with Blend modes (10:02)
Ch 13 - Sharpening in Photoshop (12:17)
Ch 14 - Edit #1 The Palouse (16:21)
Ch 15 - Edit #2 Godafoss Glow (18:43)
Ch 16 - Edit #3 Death Valley Tiles (20:51)
Ch 17 - Edit #4 Kirkjufellfoss (24:19)
Ch 18 - Edit #5 Thor's Well (28:45)
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Ch 9 - Retouching and Cleanup
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